The ready order of the box to move to
the offset printing stage, will be queued in the work plan with a date and time
estimation. For the first time jobs or the jobs that have a graphical revision
on them and also for the jobs of the customers that will be transferred from
another competitor to Ceren Ofset, we try to give an appointment to our clients
and invite them to the print approval process. Though we received a
confirmation previously for general controls, especially for the jobs that the printed
colors matching compatibility are requested on the highest level, the simultaneous approval of
our clients on the process of offset printing will be very advantageous to
prevent any possible fault. By this occasion, our clients will be able to
examine all our production lines and evaluate our quality, and also they will
make a valuable control for a perfect production of their box orders. It will be possible that an appointment may not be suitable.
Then our team of experienced production chiefs will take into consideration all
the warnings of our customers and they will compare with the sample color prints
received previously, or they will compare with the sample boxes or the confirmed cromalin proof and they will check the process themselves and give the approval.